It is our pleasure to announce that the Viking HRTF dataset v2 is now available in open access!
The Viking HRTF dataset v2 is a collection of head-related transfer functions (HRTFs) measured at the University of Iceland. It includes full-sphere HRTFs measured on a dense spatial grid (1513 positions) with a KEMAR mannequin with different pairs of artificial pinnae attached.

A first version of the dataset had been released in May 2019. In this second version, the used artificial pinnae were re-casted from the existing inverse molds with 35 Shore OO silicone for both the left and right channels of the KEMAR. Furthermore, the HRTF measurements have been taken inside the anechoic chamber of the University of Iceland in Reykjavík and free-field compensated.

The dataset, available in SOFA format, contains measurements for 20 different pairs of artificial pinna replicas (subjects A to T, where T is a pair of standard large KEMAR anthropometric pinnae replicas) plus a pair of flat baffles simulating a “pinna-less” condition (subject Z). 3D scans of the 20 left pinna replicas are also included.
More information is available on the official page of the dataset on Zenodo.